Term: 2 years (one as President, one as Past President)
Supporter requirements: 2 Ordinary or Retired Members
Who can stand? Any Ordinary Member (Retired Members are not eligible to stand)
Remuneration: For the year as President this is a one day per week self-employed role remunerated at the rate of £1,500 per month
Self-nomination deadline: 5pm Friday 27th December
Application: Via online portal
For 2025 only there is a vacancy for President to assume the role immediately in spring 2025 while HCSA moves to a new presidential rotation system.
Following the end of their one-year presidential term, the President shall remain part of the Executive Officer Team for a further year in the role of Past President.
The President is the most senior elected lay member of the Union and is the public face of the Union on professional and medical matters, speaking with the full authority of the union.
They will form part of an Executive Officer Team of President, Vice-President and Past President (from 2026 onwards) which plays a crucial role as part of the Executive.
National Executive members collectively form the national leadership of the Union and together form the senior decision-making body between General Meetings.
The Executive Officer Team shall meet prior to Executive meetings to structure the agenda and also serve as a Committee of Emergency between Executive meetings should rapid decision-making be necessary.
The role and responsibilities of the President shall include:
- Leading the Union and carrying out its best interests including the delivery of objectives of the Executive Committee and ensuring the Union carries out the role of a trade union.
- Representing the Union to external organisations, on public bodies and in the media.
- Sitting ex-officio on the National Executive of the Union.
- Calling meetings of the National Executive.
- Chairing meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Chairing General Meetings, including the AGM.
- Conducting the annual appraisal of the General Secretary.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of the Rules, the President shall be entitled to attend and speak and vote at any Union meeting.
- Where the President is temporarily unable to carry out their duties, these shall fall to the Vice-President and then to the Past President in that order.
The role of President is an elected position with a term of two years – one as President (2025-6) and one as Past President (2026-7).
Contact HCSA head office via conspec@hcsa.com to find out more about President role.