The names of candidates for HCSA leadership roles can be found via the link below. Postal ballots will only take place in constituencies where more than one candidate has been nominated successfully.
Valid nominations
The process
Our independent scrutineer Civica is overseeing the balloting and counting process for the 2025 HCSA Elections. The contest must take place both in line with trade union electoral law and HCSA rules.
HCSA rules state that elections shall take place under the Single Transferable Vote system of counting. This means that members will be invited to rank their chosen candidates on the ballot paper.
Election period
In constituencies where there is a contest, the postal ballot will take place between 3rd February and 28th February. The results will be announced to members as soon as is practicable after the ballot closes.
Candidates standing for multiple roles
The HCSA Executive has ruled that in cases where a candidate is placed first in more than one contest via postal ballot, they shall automatically assume the role listed highest out of:
- President
- Vice-President / Vice-President Elect
- SAS Doctor / Resident Doctor NEC Member
- District NEC Member
In such cases the second-placed candidate for the other position would automatically assume that role. Detailed wording can be found in Annex C of the current HCSA Rules.
Ballot packs and papers
You shall receive a physical ballot in the post and will need to return it using the enclosed free return envelope in time for the scrutineer to receive it by 28th February.
All members deemed to be in the relevant constituency for the role shall receive a ballot paper and candidate information pack to the postal address listed on the HCSA database at the time this is provided to the independent scrutineer.
Election materials will be produced and distributed by the independent scrutineer.
This will include the 250-word statement, photograph and details of roles held which were provided by candidates to Civica at the time of their self-nomination.
Candidates will be listed by order of surname.
Missing ballot papers
Ballot papers will be dispatched by second-class post from 3rd February. If you have not received a ballot paper within the first week of the ballot, please contact the HCSA office on for a replacement.
Direct communications to constituents
Candidates will have the opportunity to promote their candidacy to eligible members of their constituency. These messages will be distributed centrallly by HCSA on their behalf.
Online hustings
HCSA is exploring the hosting of online hustings and shall give an update in due course.
Please get in touch with the HCSA office via