In the wake of today’s news that doctors in training (junior doctors) will strike again next week, the Hospital Consultants & Specialists Association, the UK’s only trade union and professional association dedicated solely to hospital doctors, has issued the following statement:
HCSA General Secretary Eddie Saville said: “It’s frustrating and disappointing that once again talks at Acas have ended without agreement when the gap between both parties appears to have reduced as talks have progressed.
“Many senior hospital doctors have a great deal of sympathy for the concerns of their junior colleagues, and the profession as a whole wishes to see an outcome that not just addresses long anti-social hours but will attract and retain the next generation of consultants. Patient and staff safety, fairness and work-life balance must be the top priorities.
“If the strike does indeed go ahead next week, however, hospital consultants and other senior doctors will be on hand on the day to ensure that all medical emergencies receive the world-class care they should expect from our precious National Health Service.”
For press requests contact Richard Bagley on 07711 405128 or Eddie Saville on 07714 748 528.
Download the HCSA position on A Fair Deal for Doctors in Training at /media/42181/HCSA-A4-flyer-junior-doctors.pdf
About the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association
The Hospital Consultants & Specialists Association is the only professional association and trade union dedicated solely to hospital doctors. Formed in 1948, it represents and advises hospital consultants, staff and associate specialist doctors and specialist/specialty trainee registrars in the UK, both in the NHS and Private Sectors.