Updated guidance for members during industrial action

BMA Action Guidance For Total Walkout 1


In light of this week's industrial action by Doctors in Training members of the BMA, which includes emergency cover for the first time, the association has updated important guidance to HCSA members on their rights and responsibilities. This is available to download in PDF format.

If you have any specific concerns you are advised to contact us via secure online form on our website, by email on conspec@hcsa.com or by phone on 01256 771 777, or to speak to one of national officers whose contact details are listed below.

HCSA National Contacts
HCSA head office advice line - 01256 771777
Joe Chattin, Head of Industrial Relations - 07921 088954
Jennie Bremner, National Officer - 07525 115761
George Georgiou, National Officer - 07834 539845
Andrew Jordan, National Officer - 07703 682949
Ro Marsh, National Officer - 07525 116009
Rob Quick, National Officer - 07834 539846
Richard Wilde, National Officer - 07715 638117