Notification to members of the Election of the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association General Secretary

Under the Trade Union Relations Act 1992 all General Secretaries of a trade union must be elected by members every five years.

We are therefore calling for nominations for the position of HCSA General Secretary as set out by the timetable below. Regulation 6 of the HCSA regulations document governs the procedure for the nomination and election process.

The term of office for the HCSA General Secretary will be for a period of five years.
All nominated candidates for the post must give an undertaking that he/she is willing to be based at the HCSA current Headquarters in Overton, Hampshire, and complete the authorised declaration form.

The election process will be carried out by an independent scrutineer.

Timetable for HCSA General Secretary Election process:
• Call for nomination to be placed on the HCSA website on 27/1/17
• Nominations to be received by the president at HCSA Headquarters no later than 24/2/17
• In the event of an election ballot papers to be sent out on the 3/3/17
• Ballot closes on 24/3/17
• Result announced 24/3/17

Nomination and declaration forms are available for download.

For any queries or questions, in the first instance please contact HCSA Chief Executive Eddie Saville via