HCSA's statement on compulsory vaccinations

This week it was revealed that some NHS Trusts may be planning to make vaccinations against Covid-19 a contractual requirement for all staff.

HCSA believes a compulsory vaccination programme could be counterproductive. Please see our statement from HCSA General Secretary Dr Paul Donaldson.

HCSA understands the crucial importance of a thorough and robust SARS-CoV-2 vaccination programme to combat Covid-19. HCSA strongly advocates our members and everyone else to be vaccinated unless there are specific clinical contraindications. 

Those who refuse vaccinations should not be threatened with compulsion but their reasons for refusal determined. Where appropriate, explanation and discussions should follow. As with other infectious diseases it may be necessary to review any healthcare workers spectrum of work in the light of non-vaccination.

A compulsory vaccination will be counterproductive as it will likely lead to an increase in real or perceived harassment, bullying and staff leaving the NHS. It will also augment the exodus of staff from the NHS – matters of significant concern to the HCSA. Whilst the evidence shows that the benefits far outweigh the risks, we will continue to encourage our members to get vaccinated.