Foundations for a new HCSA Junior Doctors Network have been laid in recent months with a North-West Branch launched in September and the establishment of a South-East counterpart.
The initiative reflects an ever-rising number of Doctors in Training within the association’s ranks – and unsurprisingly the implementation of the Junior Doctors contract has been at the forefront of people’s minds.
Some have faced issues with the way in which transitional arrangements have been implemented locally. For example one trainee Radiologist, after progressing to ST3, was left £10,000 worse off than her newly promoted ST2 peers because she had been retained on the old contract while they had been placed on the new one.
A list of other concerns includes access to warm food, something that should also be of concern to employers.
In coming months we shall be surveying Junior Doctor members to establish their issues of concern locally.
We believe that this will provide HCSA with the kind of solid evidence we need to strengthen our negotiating position in meetings with NHS Employers around the problems with the JD contract.
Liverpool HCSA rep and North-West Council Member Lottie Elliott said the common aim was “to ensure our working conditions are safe, pleasant and enjoyable.”
She added: “It is exciting to be part of the HCSA Junior Doctor Network which will support doctors, encourage their learning and bring together colleagues from a variety of specialities and grades to share experiences and knowledge.
“Having clear points of contact, being able to ask questions, and to know how to get problems solved are vital.”
A South-East event discussed how to raise the profile of HCSA among Junior Doctors, and pressed home the need for more voices from among the membership to come forward and breathe life into the process.
Already, more events are planned, and HCSA is seeking volunteers to help establish regional JD Networks covering every area.
Read more about getting involved in HCSA's JD Network